

Living Balance: The Use of Myth as Collective Healing (Spiritual Media Blog, Fall 2022)

The Sumerian Goddess Inanna has numerous epitaphs, including Queen of Heaven and Earth, the Goddess of Love and War, and the Morning and the Evening Star. These titles capture the balance that she embodies and her willingness to integrate her polarities. Inanna’s myths reflect her multidimensionality and her prescience as a teacher of ascension and unity consciousness. It is through the act of coming into balance that Inanna performs her teachings.

What the Goddess of Love and War Can Teach Us About Unity Consciousness (Owl Magazine, Summer 2022)

The Sumerian goddess Inanna is waking up the hearts of her worshippers from all directions of time to help remind us of our mission and, by extension, her own - a mission to alchemize separation consciousness into unity consciousness. Inanna offers way of living love. Inanna’s love can uplift by transmuting lower vibrational frequency through the weapons of light she carries on her back.

Poetics of Ascension: Enheduanna and Her Muse (Owl Magazine, Spring 2022)

Despite a long patriarchal literary history in which many female writers were silenced, dismissed, or otherwise denigrated, the first documented writer and poet was a high priestess and princess. Over 4000 years ago, Enheduanna wrote prolifically and to great acclaim. To date, 42 temple hymns and three poems to the moon god Nanna have been unearthed. Furthermore, Enheduanna's muse and spiritual sister, the Sumerian Goddess Inanna, was the subject of three long poems by the poet. In these lyrically rich works of art, Enheduanna reveals her devotion to Inanna and seeks to authentically represent Inanna in her complexity, including her darkest shadow aspects. Enheduanna's work restored Inanna's place in the cultural consciousness and her rightful position of supremacy within the pantheon of Sumerian gods.

Inanna: An Icon Deconstructed (Owl Magazine, January 2022)

Who is the Goddess Inanna? How does she relate to other powerful mythic female figures from other cultures? How can learning about her help us understand ourselves?

A Sacred Story (Owl Magazine, August 2021)

The sea-salted air always stops us in our tracks as we climb the rocks at Sawyers Beach. Breathing in the scent of arrival, we lean into the cool Atlantic wind. With the weight of our surfboards under our arms, reassuring and close, we straddle the threshold between street and sea, and the magic hour before moonrise, assessing what awaits us. Four mothers, our children all temporarily occupied or nearly asleep, meeting for our monthly and year-long ritual of a full moon surf. As we paddle out, the wind switches, and a waist-high set comes in. Our bodies take over and we drop into the swell. It is 7:55 p.m., the moonrise begins in 13 minutes on the clear horizon just to the right of the storied Isles of Shoals on the New Hampshire seascape.